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St George's Episcopal Church

St. George's Episcopal Church | Growing in Christ's Love and Service | 5520 Far Hills Avenue, Dayton Ohio  45429 | 937-434-1781

Education: KID'S Page


 David Oakerhater, September 1st

David P. Oakerhater was a Cheyenne Indian warrior.  He was born around 1850.  He fought against the United States over land rights. In 1875 he was captured and sent to prison in Florida.  He learned English and became a Christian.David Oakerhater window    David also became a minister. He returned to Oklahoma and founded schools and missions, and worked among his people for the rest of his life.  He died in 1931.   When he first returned to Oklahoma in 1881, he said:

"You all know me. You remember when I led you out to war I went first, and what I told you was true. Now I have been away to the East and I have learned about another captain, the Lord Jesus Christ, and he is my leader. He goes first, and all He tells me is true. I come back to my people to tell you to go with me now in this new road, a war that makes all for peace. "


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